For many years it was thought that the autonomic nervous system (the part of your nervous system that controls the automatic functions of your body like your heartbeat, circulation and digestive function) is not subject to conscious control. However, through a method called biofeedback, these autonomic processes may be brought under voluntary control. There is a growing body of promising research that indicates the beneficial role of biofeedback.
Through biofeedback, individuals can take control of their body and in many cases restore health. By measuring processes of the body with equipment such as electromyography, electrocardiography, galvanic skin response meters, and thermometers, patients are provided with important physiological information with regard to blood pressure, muscle tension, heart rate, skin temperature and sweat gland activity. Biofeedback may be used for a variety of conditions such as headaches, hot flashes, Raynaud’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, TMJ disorders, ADD, epilepsy, and muscle disorders. Patients with conditions that are exacerbated by stress (which most conditions are) such a diabetes, heart disease, or chronic fatigue syndrome benefit from biofeedback. Additionally many performing artists and elite athletes use biofeedback for optimal performance techniques and relaxation.